This keyboard is a direct replacement for the keyboard membranes of the Sinclair model ZX81. This keyboard was sold with more than 200 pieces and inspires the ZX81 community. Please read description before ordering the ZX80 model (ZX80 Modell nur für Replicas).
Bewertung ZX8-KDLX auf sellmyretro
This keyboard is constructed with long life SMD tactile switches for a comfortable and safe type feeling in comparison to the classic membranes, which are harder to use with much more force to press. Programs can be typed in easily and fast. The installation is quite easy and does not require soldering skills, only a screw driver for opening the case. The keyboard is especially flat with only 2.5mm height including the pcb and the top cover with the printed layout.
This model is available as ZX80 variant as well but can be used for replicas of the Original ZX80 only or if somebody changed a ZX81 to a ZX80 (while replacing the ROM contents for example) or when using own projects.
Dimensions 156 x 65 x 2.5mm (L x B x H).
Data sheet